Summary of FCA Dear CEO Letter: Trading Venues Supervision Strategy
December 2024
The FCA has outlined its strategy for supervising trading venues over the next two years, emphasizing operational resilience, market orderliness, competition, innovation, and support for market reform. The letter highlights key risks, supervisory priorities, and actions expected from trading venues to ensure markets work well and foster growth and integrity.

FCA Portfolio Letter to Data Reporting Services Providers (DRSPs) Overview
December 2024
This letter is the second FCA portfolio letter to firms providing data reporting services as Approved Reporting Mechanisms (ARMs) and Approved Publication Arrangements (APAs), collectively referred to as Data Reporting Services Providers (DRSPs). It outlines key risks and expectations for DRSPs in maintaining market transparency and integrity.

Discussion Paper DP24/3
December 2024
Chapter 5 of the Discussion Paper DP24/3 addresses the regulation of Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) and outlines proposals for strengthening regulatory requirements, particularly concerning the safeguarding of pension scheme money and assets. The FCA seeks to ensure more consistent consumer protection, improve the effectiveness of supervision, and address consumer harm related to SIPPs.

CP24/29: Private Intermittent Securities and Capital Exchange System: sandbox arrangements
December 2024
The CP24/29 Consultation Paper outlines a proposed regulatory framework for the Private Intermittent Securities and Capital Exchange System (PISCES), which aims to create a new type of trading platform for private company shares.

Final FCA Report on Implementation Observations for the IFPR
Nov 2023
On 27 November 2023 the FCA published the final report on generalised input identified as good and bad practice from the subset of ICARA submissions assessed.

Market Watch 75
October 2023
The FCA recently published Market Watch 75, in this edition, the FCA shares its observations about Market soundings since it published Market Watch 51 and 58. It also serves to remind businesses of the formalised procedures established by the UK Market Abuse Regulation's market soundings regime.

Market Watch 72
January 2023
Market Watch 72 details the FCA’s recent research on the level of service offered by Data Reporting Services Providers (DRSPs), also known as Approved Publication Arrangements (APAs) and Approved Reporting Mechanisms (ARMs), to clients who employ a DRSP to fulfil their MiFID II regulatory reporting obligations.

Strengthening Financial promotion rules for high-risk investments
October 2022
Having issued a consultation in January 2022 (CP22/2), in policy statement PS22/10, the FCA are introducing new rules for firms approving and communicating financial promotions for high-risk investments, to ensure that consumers can make informed financial decisions.

Guidance on the trading venue perimeter
September 2022
The purpose of CP22-18 is to provide new guidance on the regulatory perimeter for trading venues. The FCA aims to ensure that firms have greater certainty about the permissions they require to carry on their business and helps protect the integrity of the United Kingdom’s (UK) financial system.